It is a type of sexual activity, contact, or touching which the the victim does not consent to. Some victims think it's their fault because that's what the perpetrator tells them, but it's never their fault!
Consent is giving the other person permission to have sexual activity with them. For one to give consent he/she must say yes to the other person. If the word yes is not said then what happens after is consider sexual assault. At any time that person can say 'No, stop!' And if you do not stop then that is forcing someone and is then sexual assault.
Every 92 seconds an American is sexually assaulted.
Every 9 minutes that victim is a child.
Only 5 out of every 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison.
One in 9 girls and one in 53 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse or assault at the hands of an adult.
Females ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.
One in 6 women and one in thirty-three men have been the victim of a rape attempt.
One in 4 girls be sexually assaulted before the age of 18.
An est. 63,000 children are sexually assaulted each year.
Acquaintance rape is a sexual assault crime (SAC) committed by someone who knows the victim. If you are approached by an acquaintance an he/she forces, manipulates or coerces any sexual contact towards you that is considered SAC (rape). Is doesn't matter if you know the attacker or not it is still SAC (rape).
Most acquaintance rape occurs to women ages 16-24 (US Dept. of Justice, 1994).
Seventy-seven percent of rape survivors knew their attacker (US Dept. of Justice, 1994).
Rape happens among people of the same-sex and within gay and lesbian relationships.
Date rape is frequently difficult to comprehend for some people. Even though the victim does not know he/she (attacker) this does not give the other person the right to force themselves on to someone. It is still SAC (rape).
Marital rape is another form of rape that is hard to comprehend because most men believe that it is their right to have sexual intercourse with their spouse, even when they say “no”. Men believe that since they are married it is not rape, but if the spouse says “no” no means no.
Stranger rape happens to someone that they do not know the attacker. This happens for a number of reasons and it is not the survivors fault on why they were raped.
Some men believe that women play hard to get, say "no" and mean "yes" and enjoy being pursued by an aggressive male. Because some men perceive that sex is their right.
Rape is an act of power and control that may be meant to punish or humiliate the victim.